
This principle is where Versatile Physical Therapy will surpass and go beyond expectations to assist you with achieving your goals. If the expected recovery for an injury is 12 weeks, our goal is 8 weeks! Heather, the physical therapist is orthopedic board certified, only 10-15% of physical therapists hold this certification. The PT will always hold themselves accountable to your care and empower you to surpass your goals with purpose driven treatment sessions. The awesome part is Versatile PT comes to you at your home, office, or gym!

Comprehensive Evaluation


On the first visit the physical therapist will evaluate you objectively, review your medical history, and derive a plan of care that both of you agree upon.  You can come with or without a referral from your physician in the state of Florida and Tennessee where there is Direct Access to patients.  The physical therapist will fax over your evaluation to your referring physician.


Treatment plans can include but are not limited to:


Manual Therapy

Neuromuscular Re-Education

Strength & Conditioning

Flexibility & Stretching Regimen

Movement and Performance Enhancement

Pliability and Body Work

Functional Dry Needling

Electrical Stimulation

Bio- feedback

Home Exercise Program

Education – Posture, sleep, nutrition, movement


Once physical therapy is not medically necessary you can consider wellness services.